Thursday, 30 January 2014


So I'm back from a fantastic week at Noosa where there was much consummation of yummy cocktails, eating, lazing by the pool and swimming and jumping over waves at the beach. I think it's the most I've swum since I was about 15 and that's because I committed to losing weight and getting fitter last year and did it. A massive win for me, I've struggled with my weight for most of my life and always wanted quick quick results without really putting in the effort to exercise. This time around I ignored the scales, made a promise to walk three/four times a week and had Lite n Easy for dinner. I've dropped a couple of dress sizes and started running! Incredible. I'm not one of those who love exercise, doubt I ever will, but it has helped me decompress the day and I just whack on the music and get on with it. The way I feel afterwards is good but the confidence it brings me is even better. I just feel better about myself, and that's a feeling worth sweating for. So, back to the hols. Best thing was the time spent at the beach, laughing as the waves pushed us around and we emerged dripping and panting to lie in the sun for a while before racing back in. It was so much fun to do that simple activity with my hubby and daughter. We had some old friends come and stay with us at our lovely accommodation and went swimming in the rain at 10pm, sneaking onto the water slides in the resort's kids pool which was a hoot. And there may have been some karoake. Now back to the world of ice cold air con in the office, but the holiday spirit still lingers and there's more big changes for me this year with a new job in two weeks. Life is good.

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