Sunday, 28 December 2014

Done and dusted

It's been a big few days. Started with the arrival of my brother from LA and boy did we have some fun. Dan Murphys is wondering what sent its profits soaring above projected levels. As it should be there were many late nights, stories shared and many many laughs. In 20 something years, we have had Christmas with him twice and boy did we make up for it. There was loads of food and Melbourne turned on the most glorious day for it. I was pretty pleased with my Christmas table. Grabbed some fir branches from my big tree out the front and sprayed them with gold glitter. Gave red roses the same treatment with a sprinkling of gold dust and with lots of little fairy lights it looked very festive.
Highlights for me: my mum's joy that we were together (defs the best pressie ever for her); playing backyard cricket; the yummy seafood and Chrissy pudding and the thoughtful pressies from the kids. Lowlights: my stupid temperamental oven which meant my pork crackling was a dismal failure. Grrr. Time for a new oven Santa. Christmas still continues to be little weird with older kids now. We're up early waiting for them to wake. Yes, it's nice to start the day with a coffee before the chaos but I miss that crazy 5am wakeup now I don't have it any more.

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